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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Merced - Gateway to Yosemite

The Gateway for everybody but me, Dutch. I haven't tried it lately but the girls used to get cranky about the time we arrived in Mariposa so we'd stop, have Chinese food, and go back home.

Elcie got there on a 5th grade school camping trip a couple of years ago and did everything the other kids did; some from her wheelchair and some with her strong male teacher carrying her across a log bridge. She won an award for kids who were willing to participate in everything.

Rochelle & Rebecca are both in 5th so they will go this year in November. I have to start shopping for camping stuff. The campsite is part of the County school system and may be many kids' only opportunity to experience camping and the beauty of nature. For the first time, we're holding fundraisers so money may be a little short. I think most of it is to provide warm clothing and gear for kids who wouldn't have it otherwise. I sent twice as much as Elcie needed just in case some other kid got there and shivered through the whole time. I'll probably do the same thing with the girls.

One of these times, Ray and I may get there. It's ridiculous to have lived all over this country without ever seeing the natural wonder in my own back yard. I was almost as bad in the city; the only times I got to Coit Tower or Lombard St was when folks visited from out of town.

I left a Halloween type comment on "Juniper" earlier. That baby is gorgeous.


Gawdessness said...

I always try to send more or pack more than I'll need. It is great to be able to offer extras to other people who might not have them for whatever reasons.

Sometimes I have been on the recieving end too and really appreciated it.

Anonymous said...

I used to lead backpacking trips for the Sierra Club backpacking group and I always carried two flashlights and at least two bottles of water. Just in case. (We were only allowed to lose 10% of the group. 8^)

I had a sad anniversary recently -- Sept. 22 was the 10 year anniversary of the last time I was in Yosemite. I was backpacking and went to the EV gathering they had to celebrate/introduce the new (then) electric buses for the valley.

I used to be there 3-4 times a year. I even had to go to court in the valley -- beautiful place to go to court, if you have to go. If you haven't been there, go. Now is the perfect time of year -- mid September through the end of October. It's all beautiful, though I generally stayed out of the valley because of all the people.

Anyway, we are so lucky to have such wondrous beauty so nearby -- you have to go! (Speaking of which, it's time to take Jared to school, splint, sling, and all. 8^)