He said the last time he was photographed smiling was on our wedding day. I'm sure he's right.
Anyhow, this is my wonderful Ray with a brand new haircut and beard trim for the occasion.
Anvilcloud, I just saw you popup. I agree about Sid, he's beautiful, gentle, and smart. I would try to keep him under the radar here but he is his own worst enemy and I don't know how to keep a diaper on a cat.

Oh my! He looks grumpy! But he`s laughing on the inside....uh, right?
you got the collage to work! great pics... what a nice outing...
I do all the H/C's around here, except for myself... so it keeps getting longer and longer... was going to cut it cut last month, had I gone to CA... well, March will be here soon... ha ha ha...
(I do trim my own fringe, so at least I can see...)
Best wishes for the New year to you & Ray and all your bundles of joy !! ---
We are sweltering in 36+ degrees down under at the moment !! for the summer heat is upon us.
I'm trusting Lindsay is speaking in Celsius. That would be 96+ here is the USA.
For any who don't know, Lindsay lives in Australia.
Well granny I do not understand the 96 thing at all. I think the USA is the only place in the world that uses Ferinheite (sp??) and miles.
I am totally lost reading usa weather reprots.
And your hubby looks like a real grandpa. hehehe
Spare a thought for me tomorrow with a forecast 42 C
best hot wishes
He doesn't look mad at all!
Great pics of the outing, Ann. They came across really well to your blog. You asked how I got the page with all the pics. In Picassa, there's an option to create a webpage out of a folder. That's what I did, saved everything to a folder on my local harddrive. Picassa puts the reduced sized images in their own folder, and then builds a set of pages with all the links in place. All I did was upload the whole shebang to my site and put a link to the index.html file in my text.
I am not sure how you would do this using .blogger. They don't seem to allow you to upload entire folders to the blog -- each pic has to be done separately. I took a quick look at flickr.com to see if they would allow batch uploads, but the dialog they present only seems to accept one pic at a time.
Oh my gosh, I'm glad I'm not in Lindsay's backyard! Just thinking about it gives me hot flashes!
You've posted tonnes of stuff since I visited yesterday! Love the photos. Your girls are looking bright and holiday-y.And your man looks like he'll even survive the flash!
Hee hee... nice photo... reminds me of a comment someone made about my Dad. Years ago when my sister started dating, apparently a majority of the fellows she introduced to Dad were scared of him because of his bushy eyebrows! Strange. I love him - eyebrows and all! On the up side, my brother-in-law thinks the world of him!
My friend Scotty (Grandpa Jim to the kids) taught me a trick -- You hold the kid on your lap for a photo and tickle them from behind under the arms. You can't tell in the photo, except that they're smiling. Do you think it would work for Ray?
I like Uncle Roger's idea. I'll have to use it sometime for my father in law who never smiles either.
Wait, he does smile, just not in pictures!
Wow... They say a picture says a thousand words... !
Happy New Year to you and yours.
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