My kitchen window is the best thing about the house. I do my best thinking or meditation, whatever we want to call it, standing at the sink washing dishes, watching life go on, and daydreaming. So many houses are built without them these days. I would miss it.
Elcie's in bed - she's usually the first one. Others are scheduled for 8:30. They've had a long day and also a good one. I don't want it spoiled with an argument because they're exhausted.
Christmas is almost over for another year. Our New Year's Eve will be quiet. Probably a bottle of Martinelli's to share with the girls so they'll feel special. If they make it until midnight, they watch the Times Square ball drop, and then get to open the front door and yell "Happy New Year". People usually holler right back. After that they go to bed. Usually, one or more of them sleeps through the whole thing.
I think this is enough from me for the night. I'm already into New Year's and Christmas is still here for three more hours.

You look FABulous! I hope I look that good when I`m 67 -- but I don`t even look that good now.....
thanks for the photo... lovely, really lovely... :)))
it would make a very nice blog pic...
I too love my kitchen window... although in this house the view is mostly of the top of the outside sheds. but there are often birds out there, especially when I tear up old bread and throw it their way, and I love the sky... big cloud/sky fan.
sounds like your day was lovely, and that is the biggest joy. Teddy finally went to bed around 11, because she didn't want it to end... it was very sweet.
and now, it's Boxing Day, where we have another day to hang out and relax...
very nice picture, Rochelle!!! the others are wonderful too... your pastors looks really inviting...
I think you look like a very sweet granny.
I love the picture and the expression on your face!
I DON't have the window over the sink and I find it very bleak going doing the dishes - even with the radio tuned to cbc. A radio is an absolute necessity in the kitchen for me too. This year, if the furnace doesn't go and the rest of the roof doesn't need replacing - I want to get a window cut in the wall. Even it if is just a porthole.
What is martinelli?
Have no idea.
Lovely photo, and it sounds as if you had a lovely day!
I never heard of martinelli either until there was a show that told how it is made on FoodTv the other day. Sounds like my kind of bubly - no alcohol!
I have a kitchen window, but there still has to be music in my kitchen while I cook. Hubby hooked up a wireless network port with speakers in the kitchen so I can listen to my downloaded music in there. A radio would be way too primitive (and simple) for him!
I too love the window over my sink. It faces East, and I can see incredible sunrises and the planes taking off and landing at Sky Harbor airport.
I am so glad you posted a photo. I couldn't get a clear picture in my head of what you might look like. What really fits is the sparkle in your eyes and your smile.
That is a great photo, Ann!!!
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