The other two belonged to Rochelle but she thought Gizmo might be lonely so she put them there. She's also responsible for the folder label with my name on it in case someone forgot.
I have some more pictures but I'll save them for another time.
I think I finished my shopping today. New pretty sheet sets for all girls, a new bingo and Pictionary game, something else I can't remember right now, and bubble bath collections as stocking fillers. (Elcie's is Star Wars which should make her happy.) I left them in Jim's car until I can sneak them in later. I had already bought them wristwatches and, of course, the computer which they understand is their major Christmas present for all to share. They'll have clothing and books and a few small toys as well. They'll each have a $15. Target gift certificate to shop with after Christmas. That should be interesting. We never go overboard. In the first place we can't, second place I don't think it's good for them. They're fairly undemanding and I'd like to keep it that way. I'd much rather "surprise" them throughout the year with a new dvd or sweater (whatever) than have a big blowout on Christmas. It's not what the day is supposed to be about.
I still have to get Christmas candy and oranges for their "stockings" (actually one large Christmas bag which they share). I need to check the pantry to make sure I have everything I need for lasagne for the church on Christmas eve and dinner the next day. I think between Ray and me, we can get it done. Having the girls' parents around some of the time helps.
I want to make 7-Up salad too but I may save that for New Year's to go with the ham hock and beans I always cook that day.
Just checking in - it's late and I have a busy day tomorrow.
At last! Another person who knows that spending loads of money is not a life-essential at Christmas.
It's the eating, drinking, playing stupid games and adults regressing to about the same age as the soze of their shoes that's important.
Oh yeah, and the birth of Christ. That's important too.
Merry Christmas and a Ho Ho Ho. x
7-up salad?!?!?!
need the recipie please.
Oh, Andrea took the words out of my mouth. What is 7-Up salad? It sounds intriguing.
Christmas IS hard work. Worth it. I like your take on it too.
love the pics!!! I hope you got some power sleep.... :)))
Heh, like the lizards--my son would never leave them alone on my monitor though! (And hey, monitor lizard ::::giggle::::)
I like your lizard. He looks sort of like a vacuum bag.
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