My crowd left a few minutes ago which gave me time moving my photos from one place to another. I've finally figured out how to do it twice in a row. Everybody seemed to have fun. A whole day with no squabbles.

I have a good picture of the girls at church this morning which I may put on later and a bunch in their new Christmas outfits. They're so vain.
I also have a picture of me in my kitchen with my nose shiny and my face red from leaning over the oven. I'll have to think about that one but it'll probably show up. I may use it for my profile since that's what I usually look like.
I was up at 6, the girls were up at 7, and Elcie had to be at church by 8:30. In that time, we put the rest of dinner together, opened presents, cleaned up from opening presents, and got Elcie to church. The rest of us went at 9:30.
Home before 11:00 and ate dinner around 2:00. Jim was late with all his crew and he was bringing the mashed potatos and ham. The rest of the day, except for cleanup, the kids all played and we all laid around.
They're wearing their watches and painting on velvet. I bought one pair of sheets the wrong size and have to exchange them but not tomorrow. I forgot the bottom half of their bunk is a full mattress, not a twin. Silly me.
Other than that, everything is fine.
Let me get the pictures on here and then I may call it a night.
Hope everyone has as good a holiday as we did.

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