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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

And here's Alice (the smart and beautiful)

My friend Jen is a former contributor for Blogging Baby and an arm twister of the first order. She set up the original format on this blog, gave me the name rocrebelgranny (because the comment boxes on Blogging Baby are too damn small), and then welcomed me with an introduction in Blogging Baby.

I don't have BB's audience and I didn't set up Alice's blog but I did do some armtwisting so the least I can do is give her an introduction.

Alice is probably the only person hanging around Blogging Baby whose comments are longer than mine. We followed each other a lot there and at other blogs, most of which are on the blog roll. I invited her over here by following her comment with one of my own. After a couple of times, here she was and she's been here ever since.

We've come to know each other very well through her comments and our personal email.

I don't think she'll mind me saying that she doesn't have a home computer yet and uses her office computer on her own time to do all her writing. She's saving her shillings for something more important.

You can read her own bio on her blog . She lives in London, England (I have to say that - there's a London, AR, a London, Ontario and probably a bunch of others).

I tease her a lot but she's a kind, caring person with a lot on her mind and except for personal email and commenting on blogs, had no format for her thoughts. Very like me (younger version). Now she does.

If you get a chance, drop over to her brand new blog and give her a welcome.

The actual link is in the title of this post. Just click.

I'll be back.


Alice said...

Thanks Ann.
We all need to be teased once in a while. My grandfather insists that a sense of humour is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. I'm not sure I entirely agree with that but he does have a point.
One needs to be able to laugh at oneself.
I haven't been feeling much like laughing lately (as you well know. Sorry for clogging up your email system) - but you, and a couple of other Bloggers have made me laugh in spite of myself; cheered me, lifted me up. Especially you. And for that I will not be able to eve properly thank you.

...I'll pimp you a lot on my new Blog though, which should go some of the way to repaying my debts, right? :-)

Alice said...

Bloody Hell!
My log-in name was blue, right, so I clicked on it thinking "what the hell?" and lo and behold, it linked through to my profile for my new blog!
Is it supposed to do that?

- Not quite as "computer savvy" as you thought, eh?

...Seriously; is it supposed to do that??

Granny said...

Yes, if you paste a link in the "link" box of the blog, it will highlight in the title. I've only known that for a few weeks. Duh.