A lovely woman at the next table offered to take the picture.
Somehow "we" managed to snap about 15 pictures of my friend's bathtub and refrigerator. Lovely as they are, I'll spare you.
I've emailed some of you and I'll tell you more about the trip later. Obviously, we're back safely and had a wonderful time.
The girls outdid themselves on behavior. I even heard the words "well mannered" once or twice, first from the server at Denny's, a nice woman from Alabama, who was charmed by them.
I'll be back. I have a bunch of photos to sort through, many bathtubs and refrigerators to delete or ignore, and want to get my thoughts together. I'll deal with unpacking and cleanup tomorrow.
Glad to see you back safely, as well as your husband home!
Wow, that sounds like a great trip! And the girls are so lovely! What beautiful pictures. I'm not even jealous-- I know that I will meet you guys someday.
Hi Ann,
Oh good, you four had a great trip! That's great! After the stress from Ray being in the hospital it must be real nice to have this trip to unwind on.
Hey! There's nothing wrong with admiring a fine bathtub or 'fridge! I admit, I'm a ham about such things and love to gush over the shiny and beautiful. ;)
Maybe that's why I'm getting a divorce, eh? The Finn couldn't handle shopping with a neurotic American who could stare at bathroom tile in a hardware store for 2 hours! :D
you all look so bright and sunny in the picture, it just looks like the beginning to a grand day out!
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