I almost forgot to put these on here. They're one at a time because blogger didn't want to cooperate.
A short meme and a brief (for me) post also follow.

Life in transition with Ray but without Rochelle, Rebecca, and Elcie. The blog title is taken from the girls' names but "roc" and "rebel" works for me too.
Bloody Hell; at last!
Sorry Ann, wasn’t swearing about Elcie’s picture (which is lovely, by the way; adore that big happy grin) - our entire internet system has gone to pot and until now have had no access at all to the Bloggersphere to read, comment or post.
Right now I’m logged into a temporary system set up on //BURNS//, and can access the internet for brief periods in between reboots and other stuff that screws around with the computer, so I can check up quickly every now and again on Blogs including my own, but posting is impossible as on the right now current system all normal passwords are invalid which means I cannot access my Blogger account.
Anyhow, I was wondering whether you could do me a huge favour: if I haven’t managed to access by 5:30pm today (that’s 8:30am your time) could you pop in a sentence or two about the problems I’m having next time you post and that I will be back and up and running A.S.A.P? I’m really sorry to have to ask, but it’s uncertain when we will be back on line. I don’t want everyone to think I’ve deserted and everybody that reads One Girl & Her Cats also reads Roc Rebel G (in fact most of them came over from you), so I figured this would be a good way to pass on the message.
Sorry again.
Nice pictres. They are lovely girls!
Hi again, managed to post quickly, so no need for a mention. System still screwed up and messing around something dreadful, but at least I could update before Easter.
Got to go, I have to log out again while the server reboots (again). Thrilled about Ray, the girls are gorgeous, school system battles are a nightmare (don't get me started again) and as soon as I'm back online properly I'll email you.
PS: just in case I don't get another chance; Happy Easter.
Beautiful! They are all so lovely, Gran.
Nice to see your lovely ladies updated. And I'm very glad to hear that Ray's still doing well - fingers crossed!
All three of the girl's pictures are so sweet! I love their smiles, and perhaps I can detect a michievous gleam or two or three? They look happy, healthy and thriving, thanks to the good care of Granny!
The graces live at http://rocrebelgranny.blogspot.com/
Cute kids. Thanks for showing them. (:
Beautiful girls :)
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