Back to School Night yesterday. We all ate hamburgers or hot dogs and then tried to visit all their classrooms in an hour. We missed all three P.E. teachers but I sat with one I knew from last year and he said don't worry about it - it happens all the time.
We got to everyone except Rebecca's math intervention teacher. I was exhausted but the girls were happy.
Tonight is Roller Skating for Rebecca and Rochelle. Another fund raiser but a bargain. I'll probably take Elcie for a haircut while they're skating. She's finally decided she wants some of it gone. Rochelle's thinking about it too.
It's also the 1st which means major shopping for Ann. I'll see how much I can get done while Ray is at the therapist.
This is short but I've been absent for a couple of days and I had about 15 minutes before waking girls. Elcie's already up. I'll try to get back.
I noticed a couple of new visitors. Welcome and I'll try to get over to your blogs. The weekend should be quieter. Between blogger acting up and staying busy, I'm way behind but I haven't forgotten my friends.
Thanks for all the help on parallel and my music quandary. I found K D Lang (favorite) and several others singing Hallelujah on Rhapsody so I've been listening. Love that song.
Take care everyone.
Good morning...
I remember those days of school visits...it could wear you out!
Take care Granny and have a great Holiday!!
I like KD Lang's voice too. She's an Alberta girl, you know. She didn't make any new friends here by coming out against beef!
Our grandsons' school has a back to school day for grandparents as so many of them do drop off and pickup (as well as being caregivers.) We go to their classrooms for the morning and then go to church. They dismiss them early to spend the afternoon with us...
Happy shopping on the 1st!!
Whew, again, I'm getting tired just reading about your life!
Hope you have a relaxing holiday weekend!
I can't believe you are having back to school already - around here the kids don't even start until Tuesday.
Hope back to school goes smoothly for everyone!
It seems weird to see so many people talking about going back to school. My kids have been back so long that in just 2 more weeks they'll be on their 3 week fall intersession break already!
Isn't it friday? Where is the cat? Although I think your grand daughter is lovely. She looks so poised! Hmm, for having a break with the girls in school, you still seem just as busy.
Hi Ann,
How are you holding up? You sound tired especially after open house or is called back to school night now?
I actually went to bed early for a change last night, and for one night it was nice to go to bed early.
i think the girls looked so cute with the braids. no chance of that again?
I'm glad that's over with for me...the school visits. But again I'm not raising my grandchildren. I do go occasionally with my 11 year old grandson...but it's not a have to case.
Have a nice Holiday weekend.
Blogger is very slow today in posting my comments and I know absolutely nothing about Beta Blogger and the change that will eventually occur. I hope they change us dummies (me) automatically.
Very wise use of time, doing things between other things. Keeping the girls busy is a good thing too - then they don't stand around and say "I'm bored". ec
Elcie is just beautiful! What a lovely smile too!
I love roller skating! Sounds like fun to me!
Oh my god.. what lies ahead? I get weary just reading this.
Yep, I need a nap after reading about your day. I'd like to know how you do it. Vitamins? Genes? Do tell.
Wow school will start Tuesday the 5th of September.
They most get out earlier there then they do here.
My oldest will graduate the 2nd of June but I know they let the senior out earlier then that. I'm sure the rest of the school get out around June 8th.
It is never easy getting ready again for school- lots of mad dashings around and meeting of teachers- l really feel for you and send my best wishes of encouragment for you to 'hang in there'. It will soon settle down again. Have missed blogging for a while, my Sis is over visiting from Australia just now and things have been extremely busy here too.
Take Care for now, will try and pop by again when l get the chance. xx Best wishes for the kids getting back into the routine of school work and new friendships. :)
Noel's current favourite song is KD Lang's Hallelujah, so we hear it at least once every day...
You are such a good grandmother. Like being a parent again. Sort of envy, but don't think I'd have - or anyone else really woud have - your energy. Wonderful. Lucky kids. Hope Ray's therapy continues well.
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