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Friday, November 03, 2006

To My Many Canadian and other UK Friends (corrected - again)

November 5th 11th is Remembrance Day in Canada. Note: No, it's the 11th like everyone else. The 5th was a Memorial Service at a church and some hold various observances leading up to the 11th. Sorry - I'm going to let this post stand anyhow with the correction. Thanks, Thordora. As in the United States, it began as a tribute to the end of the "war to end all wars", World War I. For the USA and several other countries in the UK England, Australia, and other countries, our Veteran's (formerly Armistice) Day and their Remembrance Day are traditionally observed on November 11.

Note again: I should never try do anything when my mind is still out to lunch. "Anonymous" just said "UK - ???" I was thinking of the Commonwealth (I hope) which includes Canada and Australia among others rather than just the UK. According to Wiki, this is the UK.

The United Kingdom is a political union made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom also has several overseas territories, including Bermuda, Gibraltar, Montserrat and Saint Helena among others.

I'd delete this, start over,and hope no one else saw it but when I mess up I admit it.

Laura's post includes a lovely song called "A Pittance in Time". I hadn't heard it before but I'm sure many Canadians know it.

When I was in grade school, Veteran's Day was still Armistice Day and we all knew the reason. I'm not sure how many young people today have any idea of its roots. We memorized this poem which I may have posted last year as well:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

I don't think I knew until much later that the poet was Canadian physician and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae (or if I did, I've forgotten over the years).

As we all pray or hope for peace, let's take a moment on the upcoming Day to remember the brave men and women both then and now.


Jo said...

I wish with all my heart that not one more person had to die in Iraq today.

Anonymous said...

it's the 11th dear. Not the 5th.

I still have 6 days of poppy guilt to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Several other countries in the UK?????????????

TJ said...

Well...I was wondering what this NaBloPoMo I know...thanks!!

Peter said...

We knew what you meant Ann.

Carole Burant said...

I've always loved that poem and it's one of the first ones we had to learn in school...we were also proud to know it had been written by a Canadian physician that was in the army. I have yet to buy my poppy...I'll see if I can get one tomorrow. I have many uncles who were in WW2 and that are still alive...every Rememberance Day I think of them and all the others who fought for our freedom!

Anvilcloud said...

Don't sweat the small stuff, eh? :)

Sothis said...

From one who actually lives in Flanders Fields among the poppies, I wish that could have been the War to End All Wars. We'll be spending Thanksgiving in the Ardennes, the rugged area in southern Belgium where the Battle of the Bulge was fought. Around here, we have constant reminders of the horrors of war.

Jo said...

Hi, Ann, I have always loved that poem as well. It's very poignant. And we were always proud that it was written by a Canadian.

Thanks for reminding me, I have to buy my poppy today.

And, I prefer Armistice Day too. Why to folks always have to change things?


(I'm baaaack. I missed everyone too much.)

mreddie said...

Honor is due them on the 11th and every other day for what they did for us all. ec

Nancy said...

Thanks for the history lesson...I admire you for taking the time to explain. I also remember the poem and it was great to see it again. You have blessed me today.

Puss-in-Boots said...

I can remember having to learn that poem also for Remembrance (Armistice Day) on 11 November. Yesterday, when I was in Grand Plaza, there were people from the Returned Servicemen's League (RSL) selling poppies.

So that give us two days to buy poppies - April 25 which is ANZAC day, commemorating the botched landings at Gallipoli in WW1 and Remembrance Day. The money collected is given to old Diggers and their families, RSL veterans' homes and other things of that ilk.

It's rather nice to hear of other countries and how they commemorate such an important date in history.

Pat said...

It's never the wrong day to remember those young men who will never grow old. God bless them.