I wrote a post last year about Heifer International and the work that they do. My girls and I have been part of their support system through our church for several years now. Last year the girls made a field trip to the local Heifer Int'l farm to select the animals they had purchased by donating their nickels, dimes and quarters.
So, I'm putting the word out once again for your information. In addition, Blogging Baby has its own post today with a link to a Heifer International Blogging Campaign.
I can't put in that much time this year, but I'm letting you know if you'd like to add it to your sidebar.
We've begun our cooking and other countdowns to Christmas. The girls are shaking packages but not too hard. The breakable ones will not go under the tree until they're asleep on Christmas Eve.
I've already taken a few pictures and there will be more to come. I may post them all as a set the day after Christmas.
Two of my friends here belong to a sports group. Instead of giving each other presents, they choose a family and play Santa. My friend asked if I'd be offended. No, I wouldn't be - I've had better years in many ways.
(Pause while I go peel and devil many eggs; some for the church, some for here.)
I'm back. Anyhow, I expected maybe a couple packages each for the girls. Wrong. They unloaded something that looked like Santa's sleigh converted to the back of a van with the seats out. I took
We see so much evil on the front pages that sometimes we forget that most people are kind, decent, and loving. I was just blown away and could hardly hold back the tears as I hugged those 3 wonderful women.
I saw Carol this morning. She'll be in the hospital until at least Tuesday and then back to the care facility. The hospital may be a better place to spend Christmas. I took Rebecca this trip (with some Christmas gifts) and next time will take Elcie.
We straightened out most of the confusion surrounding her surgery and treatment. Basically it resulted from all the care providers failing to talk to each other and none of them talking to me. No harm done and nothing has changed either for better or worse.
On the way back we stopped at Barnes & Noble and ran into my son Jim in the parking lot just as we were leaving. He'd just made it in from El Centro on a 4 day pass. Don't know how he swung it but I'm so happy he did. He'll have to drive back the day after Christmas but at least he's here now.
While I was out, Ray made the pumpkin pies. I'll do the pecan early tomorrow morning and then prepare the double batches of the other dishes. Bake one set for the church, refrigerate the other until Monday morning. I'll take a tray of deviled eggs and at least one pie as well. We'll have a fair size crowd so we're bringing a lot of food.
And now I'm sitting with Ray watching the Brigham Young University Christmas program. They have their very own t.v. channel. We currently have some Hebrides (New Hebrides?) I'm not sure which it said but it's very Scot sounding and appearing with kilts and all.
I started this as just some info about Heifer International and look how it ended up. Typical Ann - never knowing how to end a post.
Take care everyone and have a great holiday.
I am thrilled to hear your lives have blessed, more than one prayer has been answered with your Santa surprise.
Great story Ann, if anyone deserves some help it's gotta be you at the moment.
You are right, too often we forget that the world is made up of many kind, lovely, caring people.
I am glad that they were able to help you, and I am also glad that you were able to recieve their help with an open heart.
And I LOVE Heifer International. It makes such sense, allowing them to be self-sufficient instead of relying on handouts all the time!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Merry Christmas dear woman, to you and your family and all you hold dear. May you have peace in your heart.
Smoke and prayers your way.
Mitakwe Oyasin
Merry Christmas Ann to you and your family. im so glad you have such wonderful friends that think of the girls at this time of year.
big hugs
merry christmas ann!
XO and Merry Christmas, Ann!
Wow Granny!!
Look at the loot Santa done left ya!!
I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and if you get time come by and see my Peace post today (Christmas Eve)...love ya!!
Merry Chrismtas Granny!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful Chrismtas Season and that the New Year brings some unexpected gifts.
DDid my card make it to your place all safe and sound?
Love you all!!!!!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Granny! God bless!
Yes their more good then bad.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas Ann!
Looks like Santa left you a wonderful sleigh full of goodies!
Merry Christmas, Granny, to you and your family!
A Blessed Christmas To You And Your Family!!!
(((Ann))) - you have me in tears - how wonderful of your friends, and what a great idea. Yes, there are people who are generous and thoughtful and warm, many more than we suspect actually, they just don't make the headlines often enough.
I guess if I haven't lost belief in people yet, at my age, it will take a lot more than what's happened so far - nasty though it is, it's not MOST people!
Merry Christmas! I hope the day is filled with laughter and lots of love.
Hello Ann, wishing you a Happy Chhristmas, and thinking of you and your household here on the banks of the Bosphorus.
Hope that today was a lovely one for you! I'm glad the girls ended up with such lovely tall stacks!
Merry Christmas, Ann. Much love to you!
Ann, nice to see that you were blessed this year with the extra help. I am glad to hear your son made it home too. Merry Christmas and as always, stay strong.
Looks like Santa treated you well this year, and you deserve it. Also, whomever took the time to wrap those gifts instead of sticking them in bags from the Dollar Tree like everyone I know has a special place in heaven. No one does that anymore.
As ususal, reading about your day makes me tired!
Wow, that kind of blows me away as well for them to bless you guys with all the presents. Hope it was a great Christmas for y'all. ec
What an amazing sight! Hope your Christmas went well, Gran.
Holy cabloley! That is one stack of presents! Glad to see so many happy faces in your Christmas (and Christmas past!) I tagged you for the weird meme, ok?!
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