**It seems to be one of those words with optional spelling. I looked it up and found both versions. Maybe another difference between American and British English?
I think I caught the reflection from the flash in the tree. Oh well. That green thing is a small electric tree from the 99¢ store that Rebecca fell in love with. Girl after my own heart. The thing that looks like a trophy is. It's one of Elcie's from her "games" each year from 3 years old through 5th grade. It's our local version of the Special Olympics. The others are there but not as visible.
We've been trying for something resembling normal. We put the fake tree up (untrimmed except for lights) last night and, as soon as I returned from church with Rebecca, we all pitched in on decorating. That means Ray and I set the ornaments out, the girls put them on the tree. I'm responsible for the
I replaced last year's tree with one that included the lights. Ray usually does them but it's a lot of work and I remember he was tired last year by the time he figured out what worked and what didn't and finished it all. I don't think we'll try for outside lights this year unless someone young and tall shows up to volunteer. I'm much too short and Ray's balance is a little shaky on the best of days.
I assembled a Christmas playlist on Rhapsody, turned my computer speakers up enough to be heard in the living room, and we all managed to enjoy it. My taste in Christmas music, however, is not necessarily everyone else's . I started off with Pavarotti and Carreras followed by some really old standards of my generation and a little before.
Later this week we'll go back to the piano, Frosty, and Rudolph. Today was my turn.
Rebecca and I did the shelves, mantle, and piano together. She dusted and wiped down all the surfaces. That's colored water, not kerosense, in the hurricane lamp base. I have a matching green one on the other side. Don't know what happened to the globes. I'll replace them one of these days.
We shoveled out the living room and said enough for one day. Tomorrow we'll stash the empty boxes now in the kitchen somewhere and be done. Sort of.

I took her with me to the store and then over to visit with her Uncle Tim (and Aunt Melissa) at Barnes & Noble. The other girls were spending time with their mom.
And now I'm doing not much of anything except watching the Saints playing Dallas and leading so far. Carol didn't feel like company today. I'll get over there tomorrow which is when some of the decisions about transferring her (when and where) should be made. She had forgotten she wouldn't be coming home (so far as we know now) and, as people often do when they're medicated, was confused and hurt. I hugged her, told her I didn't want to upset her further and that I loved her. Then I left and sent the nurse in to explain it to her again as a professional.
Short post again. I woke up before 6 I think and it's been a long day.
Hi and welcome to former lurker and now visitor (and Blogging Baby friend) Mama Christy from Texas; the mom of an extremely cute little boy who has just learned how to wet the bed without actually "wetting" the bed.
And thanks again for all the comments and emails. We're doing okay and we've had a little time to adjust as much as anyone can. Not that it's easy; it isn't, but I can't crawl into a hole and pull it in after me. Life goes on and I'm trying to focus on that as much as I can.
So we trimmed a tree, we did some shopping and stopped for a treat, and I'm thinking about the holiday season and what's on my agenda for next week. It helps keep me sane, at least for now.
Love to all and take care. I have a few silly pictures involving cats and Rebecca for another post while Blogger is cooperating with pictures.

Your decorations look very festive. I'm sure the girls loved the decorating.
It probably helps them have something fun to focus on instead of worrying..
Glad to hear that things are at least festive. We still haven't put our tree up this year!
I hope Carol makes it into hospice soon. That will be a better place for her and everyone to visit her.
Again, hope you guys are really hanging in there.
Dear Ann ~ Great photos of the decorations and Melissa and Jonathon who is growing like a weed. Glad you did some normal things, went shopping etc
and little treats. What a shame Carol was confused about the hospice, but she will have the care she needs there, and it would be too much for you with all the other things you have to do. You are all in my prayers Ann, keep telling Carol you love her. Take care, Love, Merle.
Great pictures and words from a great lady. I'm learning from you. Your courage and outlook, your wisdom.
Thanks Granny Ann.
I am glad to hear that you are trying to do some "normal" activities. It would be easier to crawl into that hole, so I know how much of an effort it is to "go on". You are a strong lady and please know that we are all thinking of you and Carol.
Hey, I LOVE the bright blue and purple tinsel! It would go nicely with my new tacky angel fiber optic multi-colored tree topper...Hmmm.
Thanks for mentioning me! Your house looks great and I'm so glad you were able to find a little joy in decorating. I'm sorry that Carol can't come home for Christmas and I'm so sorry she was hurt having ot learn it again. This parenting stuff doesn't seem to get any easier even if your kids are grown, huh?
Everything looks verry cheery at your place! :)
Those are cute pictures of the kitty and the child!
I'm sure cat cuddles never hurts a kid! :)
Take care-
We prayed for Carol at church yesterday...hope she is alright for the time being...and that you are doing well, too.
I can just picture how much fun the girls had decorating the Christmas tree...you tell them for me that I think they did a SUPER job on it, it looks beautiful!!! Loved seeing all your decorations, I'm nosey like that! lol I've always loved to see what Christmas ornaments other people have, I'm so fascinated with them! It's awful what medication will do to the mind so it's no wonder Carol is sometimes confused and forgetful...my thoughts and prayers are still with you! xoxo
I am enjoying all the pictures-- especially Rebecca and that cats!
Sounds like you are hanging in there.
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