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Friday, March 02, 2007


Just a minor rant.

I keep up with my blogging buddies through Bloglines. (see link for explanation if you don't know).

It works quite well most of the time but it doesn't always highlight new posts which is something of a nuisance. You Bloglines folk will know what I mean with I talk about red exclamation points.

Lately it's been dropping blogs from my list. I think I have around 250 entries on there and if you ever look at my incomplete blog roll you can understand that. Some, of course, are news feeders, etc.

I must have reentered at least 6 blogs (maybe more) over the last couple of weeks.


1. If anyone else is having this problem, let me know. It couldn't be something I'm doing because to unsubscribe, I have to click on the blog and and on "unsubscribe". I haven't done that.

2. If you wonder why you haven't heard from me at all, let me know and I'll check the list. I'm a little behind on reading and commenting but I try to keep up.

Have a great weekend if I don't get back later.


-A said...

I haven't noticed disappearing blogs - but I have noticed that some of my favourites never update anymore - or so it seems, I should go double check...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann
I use bloglines and I found that you need to subscribe to the blog you are reading via ATOM, this is the feed they seem to use to update. A few of my blog I had were under RSS feed and did not show up, You might have to delete the link then do it ATOM...Hope that helps
Blogger let me back in today but I am going to use wordpress for awhile and see how it goes, so be sure and read me at

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hi Ann, I decided to subscribe to Bloglines today, so I'll see how it goes. If I'm not happy, I'll unsubscribe and go back to the old-fashioned way of checking everyone's blog one by one...sigh.

Hope all is well in your world and with Carol and Ray.


Carole Burant said...

Every once in a while I get the red exclamation mark beside one of the names but I read you just leave it alone and they find the right link to it...they did because now they're gone! I've never had disappearing blogs though! xox

Stephanie said...

I switched from Bloglines to Google Reader and once I got used to it, it's muich more convenient. Also it picks up feeds that Bloglines didn't. You can import your Bloglines list right into it too. Easy switch. I prefer it now.

Yondalla said...

I too encourage you to consider Google Reader. It often does not notify me of an update for several hours, but I always get them. It never looses the blogs and best of all, it keeps all the old entries in the reader, so you can re-read an old post without going to the blog.

Susie said...

I haven't had any blog disappear, but there are a few it won't read no matter what feed I subscribe too. Val said she's changed to Google Reader, and I'm considering that.

Turtle Guy said...

'Tis the day for rants, I do believe.

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

granny you have so many blog buddies i truly dont know how you keep up at all. i only have about 10 on my list and i can barely keep up with them.

just dropping in to say a quick hello. hope you are all doing well. :)

Spadoman said...

Blogger is enough for me. I try to go down my list of "favorites". I just don't get to them everyday. But I do eventually, (Here I am Granny).

Hope all is well and that all the tasks you like to do become easier.

Peace to all.

lushgurl said...

HI granny, glad to see you stopped by MY blog! I haven't had your problems with disappearing blogs, but I have (on more than one occasion) deleted my links list altogether!!!
I just post then link to the people who commented, then link to the people who commented there and so on...I can spend hours blog-stalking this way LOL

Kristen said...

I can't even keep up with bloglines anymore, but I've noticed that problem in the past too. Grrr.

cce said...

I don't have a grasp on blog-lines yet...such a newbie to this blogging thing. But I so appreciate your visiting my site. Chat with ya soon.

*Tanyetta* said...

hi granny! thank you again for the tip about bloglines. i live by it. i noticed only the updated blogs show up in my sidebar which I love. i heard there's a new site out there that's wayyy better than bloglines. i forgot the name but, i'm ok with bloglines. you know i still have to learn to do links without messing that up :) :) happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Bloglines dropped a few of mine, too... I re-added them and now it seems to be fine, but I feel like I have to check every so often to make sure it doesn't happen again.

granny p said...

Don't know about this. I do know I haven't heard from you recently, but don't expect given everything else that's happening with you. I keep you in my thoughts. xgp

DellaB said...

Hi Ann... I have just started with bloglines, after a few people told me I wasn't 'showing up', so this is an excellent topic for me to be reading. Thank you.

So far, I've had no problems, but I did notice when doing the reading, that, as somebody else noted before me, the trend seems to be about ATOM, not RSS - apparently RSS has some problems keeping up with some updated programs, and ATOM is the new preference.