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Saturday, March 01, 2008

What a Week!!

First I fried my entire computer and yesterday I killed my cell phone. However, it's spotless. Dead but clean. I tossed my clothes in the washer and forgot to check my pockets. Guess what was in there. My friend John (the computer genius) was able to dry the phone and get it running but meantime the LCD melted. It doesn't help that there is no longer a screen.

Update: It doesn't actually work. It will ring and people can here me but I can't hear them. I do have a landline now; the number is at the bottom of my emails. If you want it, let me know.)

I'll replace the cell today. I'm not comfortable leaving unless Ray has a way to contact me (or I him for that matter).

I have a draft with pictures of Tim's and my trip to see Jesus Christ Superstar but Blogger isn't letting me edit at the moment. (Update - I was able to edit and the post should be a couple of posts down after my "crashed" post. I didn't add much - just hit post before something else went wrong.) The pictures are there and I'll try again later. Meantime, I'll just say we had a wonderful time. Loved the production. We cut our trip a little short because of the expected bad weather. Skipped San Francisco and came straight back on last Saturday morning. I just had a bad feeling about being caught downtown in the city with high winds and flood warnings. Tim thinks I'm a wimp but he was okay about me asking to change our train tickets and come straight back.

Anyhow, the computer. It must have been some kind of surge. It tripped the breaker in this room and when I tried to turn the computer back on, I had nothing. It destroyed the tower and everything that goes with it and even the mouse. Fortunately, my friend John came through for me once again with a tower he had at home. He took everything with him yesterday and brought it back today. I had to buy a new hard disc but other than that everything is working. I still have to fix a few things but not much.

I had it plugged into a good surge protector so I don't understand it at all.

He said he was going to leave a comment about the dust inside the tower. In my defense, I didn't know I could open it to clean it. Now I know. Okay John, now you don't have to tell everyone what a slob I am. I did it for you.

In other news, there isn't much. I've talked to the girls several times. They're doing well. I'm not sure when we'll have another visit but hopefully soon.

We've had some beautiful spring days but are expecting rain today or tomorrow. I'm going to run out in a little while and try to do a little shopping.

Oh, Ray is now able to mow the yard - a little at a time but it gets done. The yellow flowers (weeds) I was talking about in an earlier post are mustard according to a friend of mine and they're everywhere. He mowed some of them down but I bet they'll be back.

Our fruit and almond trees are blossoming. I had a picture for you but it's on the post I couldn't edit along with the pictures of our trip. We have one main street here that has the flowering trees for several blocks. Beautiful and the first sign of spring.

Merced is having a bicycle race today. It's evidently quite well known - people come from all over the world to participate and much of downtown is blocked off.

Don't know if I mentioned son Jim may be back on the Iraq list. His wife and I are crossing our fingers.

Thanks to all for the comments and well wishes. I didn't have any computer access before Wednesday (when I was at a friend's house) so not much I could do about the silence. I know many of you were worried and if I'd been thinking I would have had Tim write something.

I must have 500 posts to read from all of you so if I don't comment, please know I'm at least trying to read. I'll be back with pictures when I figure out what I'm doing.


Anvilcloud said...

It's good to see the back of some weeks, eh. It's also good to hear from you.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I don't know why but it seems like when you start having computer and gadget problems they just keep coming. It tends to be that way for me anyway.

Glad you're back in the blogging business. I missed you.

The daffodils are blooming here so I guess that means Spring isn't too far off, though they may be frost bitten soon. We're supposed to hit 75º tomorrow and nearly 80 on Monday with severe storms and then snow overnight into Tuesday. Crazy, weird, strange weather, even for Arkansas!

Have a good Sunday, Ann.

Love and hugs,


Andrea said...

wow is ever good to have you back.
I dropped my cell in the toilet once. To my huge surprise it worked after taking the battery out and then sticking it and the battery on my cars defrost vent for an hour at full blast. Didnt fix the crappy reception I always had though.

Jo said...

HI, Ann. I'm glad to see you're back. I was wondering where you had gone.

Sorry to hear about all your tech woes. It all happens at once, doesn't it???

The Future Was Yesterday said...

I killed my cell phone. However, it's spotless. Dead but clean.
I tend to carry my cell in my shirt pocket. I have fished that thing out of some awful weird places. But the funniest by far, was when it fell down the front of a well endowed lady. She had scattered the contents of her purse on the ground, and I bent to help her pick them up! Worst of all....she didn't realize it had fell "in."!!! I had to ask for it back! Red face central...:)

Lucy Stern said...

Granny, you have had quite a week....I'm glad you are back and still kicking.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Granny,
I haven't been by in a while to visit as I have been lagging and getting behind myself. Sorry to hear about your computer and Cell Phone. I'm glad you were able to get back here to Blogland. I will say prayers and keep my fingers crossed that Jim won't have to go back to Iraq. I think it's way past time to bring them ALL home. "PRAISE GOD" that Ray is able to mow the yard a little bit. It has been like Spring here this weekend. It's suppose to be up to around 72 degrees here today and a cold front is to move thru on Monday night and turn cold again. I haven't watched the weather since Friday night and I see where Diane was saying something about some Severe Storms. I sure hope not. I don't like it when it's that way. I'm not going to get my hopes up an any Snow. Everytime they talk about us getting some Snow, it goes all around us. I'm not even thinking Snow now. LOL. Glad you were able to talk to the girls and they are doing okay. Maybe you will get to see them on Easter. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Unknown said...

That is a week and a half of trouble. And I though I had a difficult one! May the future reverse the past!

Yondalla said...

I'm glad you're back.

I put Brian's cell phone through the wash last summer. Not pretty. Will your contract allow you to get a new phone? If not, you might want to look around. There is a private place in my city, only one, that sells used phones.

And Verizon has one rather expensive phone that was designed to survive military conditions. It can can survive almost anything.

Ugly, but tough.

Anonymous said...

You may have washed your phone, but *so* many people do that. You should be original like me and back over your phone with your truck! Yep. *sigh*

Glad the computer is up and running and that everyone is doing well. Enjoy the spring weather!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

WEll, you have had a horrendous week....Between the Cell phone and MORE, The Computer! All I can say is OY! I'm glad you have things up and tunning again...And of course...BLOGGER is Not helping!!!
Sometimes I get so very frustrated with the computer eccentricities....! And that is what they are...! Something changed in my Pictures and how I view them...I DON'T KNOW WHY OR HOW! And I cannot seem to get it back to what I had been using....To me this is just as eccentric as anything can be---like The Computer has a mind of ir's own....LOL!
Glad you are back with us, my dear!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh I forgot to mention that YEARS ago, I was in the ladies room of a very nice restaurant....And the Toilet overlowed...It was rather embarassing, to say the least....What had happened was, SOMEONE had flushed their cell phone down there....!!!! Help Me. LOL!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Computers..the bain of our lives...but what would we do without them.

Glad to see you back, Ann, although I only post about once a week now. Life is pretty busy at the moment.

Take care.

Michael said...

Hi Ann
I thought u was going to say you put your computer in the washer as well as your phone.
How do we live without all these gadgets, sometimes I think I would love to leave it all behind and have a simple life, but Im hooked on the net now.
Glad your feeling okay and happy apart from your gadgets breaking, I too am feeling good just lately, but it looks like I got another full week this week, AA tonight plus vets with boley again, shopping tommorow, and I will go see my Sponsor on thursday, he asked if I got any old computers which I did, so that leaves me Wednesday to get it ready for him.
Just booked easter and spring bank hols ready for warmer weather now

mreddie said...

I'm glad you got your computer on the mend. About a year back, the Spice set our portable phone down in a glass of water while watching TV - it didn't survive either. So glad Ray is well enough to mow some on the yard. ec

Pat said...

Everybody should have a friend like John. Dust in the tower? I think I'll leave that alone:) Fingers crossed about the Iraq possibility.
Mind neither of you over do it:)

lindsaylobe said...

We all have theses technical glitches’; glad you got your computer is on the mend. I trust all is well with Ray and you’re continuing to enjoy contact with the girls.
Best wishes

Tina said...

Oh, almond trees. Sigh. How lovely.