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Monday, October 03, 2005

I said today would be better, didn't I

I woke up this morning to find Elcie dressed except for shoes and socks. She had somehow poured herself into the snuggest jeans she owns. Wow. I'm not sure how she did it or how early she started. One of my worries may be behind me. She'll still need help if we're pushed for time but now I know she can do it.

She just got on the bus. Rochelle and Rebecca are stumbling around. My former neighbor just came in with her kindergarten girl. She stops here, they all walk to school together, and she comes back for coffee. I miss Dawn being right across the street but she's only a block away now. She can still change ceiling lightbulbs for me.

It's starting out to be a better day. My daughter (Carol) starts her chemo this morning. I'm hoping it won't be too hard on her. She's been waiting a while for them to begin and waiting is difficult.

They're all out the door with two adult escorts and six kids in a pack. I think they'll be okay. They have the cell phone with them and their mom is going to talk to the Asst. Principal and both their teachers for me. If anything happens on the playground, we'll have our side already on record.

We have another Supreme Court nominee. Just what we need - his White House Counsel.

I thought it was starting out as a better day. I'll reserve judgment but chances are I'll be writing letters to Senators before it's over. One of my Senators sits on Judiciary (the only woman) and I can always count on the other. She has to be one of the most hated people in DC. Mouthy, fearless, and I think unbeatable in California.

Still have odds and ends of shopping to do and bill pay to set up online. I'd better start planning my day. Not that it does any good. I thought I had my day planned yesterday. Maybe I'll just start winging it - it works better.

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