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Monday, October 03, 2005

Further to yesterday

Hi Gawdessness - thank you, it's what I needed to hear.

This neighborhood isn't quite a slum (although everything's relative) but we do have some problems. It's very mixed and there's a lot of racial stuff going on around me. It's never affected us before.

I don't think it has much, if anything, to do with the bad guys being Hispanic. Mean people can be found right across the spectrum and bullies instinctively know which buttons to push. I have Hispanic neighbors on both sides and up and down the block. We all do fine in spite of the language and cultural differences. I supply bandaids and otter pops; they send me peaches and share their barbecues with the girls.

I hate to move - we've been here a while and I'd never find anything like this for the rent we pay. I'm hoping these people have been antagonistic enough that their landlord will solve my problem for me. Besides, I'd be swapping the devil I know for the one I don't. My car was still standing on all four tires this morning so maybe it was all just talk. We'll see.

1 comment:

Gawdessness said...

No, don't move yet!
We waited four years before we actually decided to move, and there were other reasons, but troubles with the neighbors helped clinch the decision.

Glad to hear the today has been a better one.