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Monday, October 03, 2005

More about yesterday

Hi L.

I've been fighting this sort of thing for more years than I can count but it's the first time my kids have been affected. Now it's personal. I knew the girls wouldn't get through unscathed but I never expected it this close to home and so ugly. They're good kids and they don't deserve this.

Their teachers are cooperating as much as they can. They can't do anything about what happens off school grounds so we'll make sure they have an escort to and from for now.

Neighbors tell me this family is involved with the "bloods". They probably are correct.

I imagine you see some of as well. I hope I'm wrong - it's awful when it happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It`s not always about race, or about a kid being "different" in some way -- unfortunately, for all different reasons, some kids are just mean, and bully other kids. And others go along with the bullies because they`re followers and the mean ones are sometimes leaders.

I grew up in a racially, culturally, and socio-economically homogeneous neighborhood in a Connecticut suburb, and I was relentlessly teased and even got beaten up from time to time, even though I was pretty much the same in almost every way as the kids who were beating me up. In fact, I think I faced worse bullies in my childhood than my mixed-race kids have faced so far, knock wood.

But when kids use racial insults, or zero in on a particular kid`s personal weaknesses, it seems uglier to us adults because we know the big picture ugliness behind the words.