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Friday, October 14, 2005

My blog - 23rd post from top - 5th line - I think that's right Gawdessness.

"Oh yeah, if a little t.p. is good ..."

Isn't that an inspiration for the ages. The profundities one runs into while blogging.

I think this is a meme. Find your 23rd posting on your blog, 5th line and post it regardless of how silly it sounds out of context. In this case we were talking about kids and how they can go through supplies, leaving a trail behind them. We had focused on bandaids but then I remembered the toilet paper and just threw it in there.


4AM-Insomniac said...

Re: tp. Husband used to foam at the mouth about how many rolls used at our house. Men do not use much tp; just for sit-down toilet duties and maybe a pinch for shaving cuts. Women use tp for EVERY toilet duty, as well as for substitute kleenex, wiping the mirror, etc. With 5 permanent female residents plus various sometime temps, well, do the math.He finally subsided to a dull roar but lo, these many decades later he still occasionaly gripes about it. Hmmph! Didn't cost nearly as much as his alcohol and beer-jointing outings, and was a whole lot more essential.
Incidentally, congratulations on your successful AA experience. I knew you were a strong woman. Wish I could do the same about nicotine addiction. Every effort and class has far. I keep trying.

Anonymous said...

"Rachel is worried about displaying them; we haven't actually figured out what would be a good location for the collection. I'm thinking in her office, but if we have kids, we'd have to move it again."

From the old journal...

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, the streetcar next to me -- a double train, in fact -- got the green light to turn into the yard."

From the new one...

Anonymous said...

Click on my name for the relevant posts above...

As for over vs. under... someone did a very logical and scientific paper on why it should be over... I'll have to dig it up. Definitely over.

Oh, and sometimes guys (this guy, anyway) like to clean up a bit when standing as well.