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Friday, November 04, 2005

A Thought for Today from Thomas Paine

"If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine


ipodmomma said...

oh wow, that is so beautiful...

and so true...

I'm in the midst of that... Spencer is having a hard time with math and physics... and seems crabby a good portion of the time...

when he turned 4 he absolutely hated it. kept saying he wanted to be 3 again... and he was grouchy until he turned 5...

I'd take any amount of grief as long as my kids are relatively well within themselves... when Ted was gone last year, staying with Peter's sister and family, it was hard on her, because their daughter is a total pill... if I could say something positive about her, I certainly would. but I'm at a loss...

suffice to say Teddy is really happy to be back. (except for wishing she was at college already... but she's been wanting to go to university since she was about 8...)

so this year it's Spencer turn for angst...

now, as for the hubby... :)))

good thing there is always prayer! big grin, as my friend Cat likes to say...

digress digress digress....

ta love....


Anonymous said...

This is SO true. I've felt that many times (esp. when my son is struggling with his health).

Nancy Toby said...

Wonderful quote!