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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Blog roll fixed!!! Book Shopping with Tim

First - to anyone who can't see the blogroll. The commenter who said it had to do with text size was right although a friend of mine in Australia tweaked a couple of other things while she was at it.

If you can't see the blog roll, check your overall text size (not the one on the blog - the one at the top of the computer screen). Click view, text size, medium. That should fix it. Mine's fine now.
If these instructions sound like Windows for dummies, that was my intention. I spent a good 20 minutes hunting around the blog for "view" before I finally realized what my friend was trying to tell me. If that print is too small for regular email, you can always toggle back and forth. I had mine set large to adjust for bifocals.

It's employee appreciation day(s) at Barnes & Noble. I picked up Tim and he and I went Christmas book shopping for the girls. Big discount for Tim.

All of Harry Potter to date
All of Narnia
A Wrinkle in Time (which I didn't know but he did) book and DVD

I had a couple of the Harry Potters but this and Narnia are boxed sets. Paperback but that's okay. I'll read the entire Narnia or we may even read some of it together. He'll wrap them. Presents aren't always safe from Rebecca although she wouldn't disturb anything already wrapped - just nag me to death from now until the 24th or 25th. Usually they open one gift on Christmas Eve but if we go to the potluck and Christmas Eve service I'm not so sure. We'll see.

One more week of school and they're off until 2006. Too much time in bad weather but I don't set the schedules. It'll be interesting keeping them occupied and away from each other's throats. Mollie, I'm saving the cross stitch for their vacation time along with some arts and crafts things I've held back for rainy days.

I'll try to get back to specific comments tomorrow. I've read all of them. Midnight and a school day tomorrow. Elcie is always up with the rooster. I'd better call it a night.

Elcie's been begging for Titanic. She's been watching one we taped from the t.v. I found the 3 disc edition at B&N. Didn't make her wait for Christmas on this one. She's the one that watches a few favorites over and over. She loves the rewind button and adores movie theme music.


ipodmomma said...

wrinkle in time is great, and has other books that follow... Madeline L'Engle is fabulous...

sounds like you had a very good outing... :))) take advantage of that familial employee discount, I say!

J likes Titanic too... glad Elcie got it early... :)))

Madcap said...

Oh, can I suggest some books too?

1. The "Arthur" series by Kevin Crossley-Holland.

2. Anything by Karen Cushman.

3. The "Arthur" series by Gerald Morris.

(I'm kinda partial to Arthurian stuff.)

And I'd like to add another plug for Madeleine L'engle's other books in the Wrinkle In Time series, too.

Andrea said...

I love Isabelle Allende. Her writting is beautiful.
Damn but I can not spell. grr