What I found was the purse containing my camera. I knew all along where the camera was; it was the purse which eluded me.
These braids give me a headache just looking at them.

Don't know why they think they want them but they do. Rebecca is in the blue shirt, Rochelle is in white. For any of you who haven't noticed Rochelle's scar, she fought with a door several years ago. The door won. The doctor tried to glue rather than stitch and you see the result. Her hair usually covers most of it and makeup will take care of the rest when she's a little older.
I'll probably be back later but I promised several visitors pics of the braids so here they are.

I'll probably be back later.

I bet the braids help them feel cool in the heat!
Cool! Instead of Friday Cat Blogging, we got Friday Braid Blogging!
They do look pretty tight, although I know that's the only way they will stay in for any length of time.
Well I think they look beautiful but for all that time, yuck! Did you do them? At least its summer. :)
Pretty fancy Ann. That was very nice of your neighbour to do the girls' hair. It's very time consuming. If it were me braiding the hair I would have started and stopped half way into it :-) They look great!
They look so tight that she might have trouble closing her eyes. :) But what would I know about hair - I've had very little for years. ec
Rebecca's eyes are gorgeous but why does she look so angry? Did she not want her picture taken then? I did notice the scar. Maybe it will fade completely by the time's she's older. Who knows?
This darn word verification tried to trick me again. They made the "U" to look like a "V".
Hello Ann ~~ Those braids look so tight and uncomfortable. No accounting
for taste, but it was good of your neighbor to do them.
You did well in the Quiz and it was fun.
Take care, Merle. Hope Ray is well.
At 34, I'm sure I'm still not capable of sitting still long enough for cornrows.
I love braids, I had them on and off in college. They are so cool and the patterns are very cool.
Hi Ann, one of my favourite things to do is go to the hairdreser, but I don't think I could stand having braids, they look good though, hope all are well,
hugs jacqui
They do look very cute...and quite uncomfortable. I commend them for keeping them in this long.
And just look at those pretty blue eyes!
OW. That just looks painful.
Ouch! I don't think I'd be able to stand it!
Ruby has a similar scar right in the middle of her forehead from the end of this January. She REALLY didn't want to hug her brother. Ran into a wall instead and split her head open. 4 hours and 4 stitches later we were home. (They were gonna glue her together and I insisted on stitches instead in hopes of minimizing her scar.) I told her next time, hug your brother! It's much less painful.
Reminds me of the Bo Derek years.
They really look cute with braided hair but oh my, they do look very tight...my scalp hurts just thinking about it!! Wouldn't want to have to braid someone's hair like that every day...must be very time consuming!!
wow, did you do those? Those are amazing! And goodness, what striking blue eyes one her. I hadn't noticed in earlier pics, perhaps they weren't so closeup.
Wow!! Those are impressive braid jobs!! I bet it takes a long long time to get them all done!! Wonderful photos.
Thanks for dropping by my blog today. And yes, being in Texas -cattle country- you'd think they had them on the menus HERE....but I've yet to find anywhere.
Happy Saturday Granny.
Took me a long time to read all the posts I missed. We've had lots of projects to get thru and I've been too tired at end of day to sit at the 'puter. Glad to hear the hubby is home. No place like home to feel better! Those braids would give me a headache--yikes they look tight! Cathee
Cute! My mom can cornrow, although, I'd never let her do it on my hair! My hair was down to my hips as a kid...actually, it still is. :)
No cornrows for me.
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ooooh, owwweee!
I bet they are enjoying the braids. They would probably just give me headaches. But as a kid my sister used to braid my hair..never as pretty as that but lots of little braids across the head.
ohh wow that makes my head hurt just looking at them.. they look great but tight... ouch... Can you tell Im a tender headed ninny *grin*...
Guess when you are young you suffer for fashion - those braids look too tight and uncomfortable to me but who am I to say anything when I was young I squeezed my feet into little pointed shoes that my feet are paying for now.
So glad you found the camera!
Mine is lost at the moment ... but I think it's in my fiddle case.
Great braids!
It makes my head hurt to even think about those braids. I would have pulled them out after about two minutes. OUCH!
Wow... they look good, but how do they feel? They look tight!
Hi Ann,
Boy, my hands hurt just looking at the braids! That must have been a lot of work, but I bet it's a lot cooler in this heat.
Wow, those are awesome!! I had my hair braided once on vacation. I think I left them in for a whole week. My scalp was very happy to be liberated!!
Love the braids. Braids are nice for swimming and beating the heat.
I had my hair braided ONCE and forgot to take an advil. Never again for myself is all I keep saying. Yikes.
My son's hair is braided but, it's NEVER tight. I usually let him wear it in a fro but, when we go in public I mostly braid it because STRANGERS always want to touch it. Oh well.
I always get the following comments: How do you get HER to sit still that long to braid it. HER? does HE really look like a HER????? *sigh*
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