No car races for them; they discovered there will be a free concert. I can't remember who's singing but it's no doubt country and western. They just set out with their mom and Rochelle taking turns pushing Elcie (yes it's walking distance) in the chair.
It was just turning dusk so the quality isn't too great but if you click on it, it will be more clear. The picture of the three of them was really too dark to show up well here.
Rushing to get this on before the net goes back down again. Tomorrow I'll call Comcast and find out what's happening. Our "On Demand" function isn't working on the t.v. either so I'll have 3 different gripes. We ordered replacement remotes and they took two weeks and a second phone call before they sent one. We need two more because our old ones are just that - old. And sticky and work when they feel like it - something like the internet.
Take care everyone.
Don'tcha just get fed up with the lack of service nowadays? Hope you get it all settled, Ann.
Sounds like the girls had fun. What lovely photos. They are beautiful young ladies.
Your girls are so beautiful, glad they had fun.
Sorry about your internet. I've heard Comcast is giving people fits!
My goodness, the girls are looking so grown up! I'm glad they had a good time--the fair is ALWAYS fun for me :-)
Hope you get your internet/cable issues worked out. That's always unpleasant to deal with around here.
They ARE looking extremely grown-up. And happy. Hope they enjoyed that concert.
Good morning to you! I hope that all is well and you have a great day!
Sounds like the girls had fun. They are so pretty smiling like that!
Take care!
They are so lovely.
Hey there.
I haven't been by in awhile...way too busy.
Hope everybody is well.
What a fine family scrapbook your blog is! And what lovely young women you are nurturing...
A fair sounds like fun...hope it is not too hot for ya'll! It is a tad humid here with some rain expected this afternoon...
Ah, the fair - it always turns me in to a kid again (much to my kids horror). Hope they enjoyed the concert.
Oh no, internet connection troubles, that is such a pain, let's hope it'll be fixed soon, eh?
IF you have a comcast office near you... just bring htem the remotes and you can get it replaced immediately that's what I did but alas it was local for me. GOOD LUCK on the net issue... always fun!
It is tooo hot to go anywhere here! It is so miserable here... But that is just how it is..lol Have a good week.. :0)
Just checking in! Hope you have a great weekend.
Man, they are getting big! It makes me feel old. We are going to our county fair today, as a matter of fact.
What a great picture. :)
glad your all having a good summer, nice pictures of the girls.
The girls are lovely! We had such awful problems with our cable company! I am with ya in the grip dept.
The girls are lovely!
Tried to sign guest book but couldn't for some reason....
Your girls are gorgeous. You're so lucky to have such a wonderful family.
Someone has taught those girls well in the smiling department. :) ec
Fairs are fun. I'm sure they had a good time.
I'm out in the sticks, no cable out this way... still on dial-up. I've been wishing for cable for years. ~ann
Looks and sounds like FUN!
Hope you’ve worked out your technical problems.
Hi Ann ~~ I am sorry you have had so much strife with the Net going off all the time. Most annoying, and I hope you can soon get it sorted out.
Hope Ray is doing well at present.
Take care, Love, Merle.
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