I have more and better pics and some videos (if I can figure out how to post them).
Elcie wasn't feeling well so she stayed home with Grandpa and I took the other two. They swam and dove and dove and swam some more. They ate and watched big screen t.v. (Hannah Montana?)
It was just us, Tim and our two card playing friends but they went all out. Lots of fresh veggies and chips with dip and guacamole. For dinner, ribs, macaroni salad with artichokes and hearts of palm, deviled eggs, and baked beans. Wow!!
And now, they're headed out with friends to the fireworks at the Fairgrounds. They should start in another 35 or 45 minutes. Fireworks are also exploding all up and down our block. For once, I didn't buy any.
They had a wonderful day and so did I. I wish Elcie hadn't missed it. She seems to feel better now so I'm not sure if she was sick or just didn't want to go but I wouldn't force her.
I may be back later tonight or tomorrow with more pictures.
Thanks for the comments and good wishes. Hi to Eileen, a new visitor.
Please note my two sons finally signed my guestbook. I had to threaten Tim and he posted a picture of the two of them.
Hope you in the states had a good Fourth and the rest of you enjoyed your Wednesday or Thursday as the case may be.
Take care everyone.
And a good time was had by all...
Sounds like fun and the food sounds delicious.
Glad you had a nice time, Ann.
It looks like fun! I'm glad everyone had a nice time...can't wait to see the video!
Glad your 4th was lowkey but enjoyable! Mine was very relaxed, being in Canada! haha
Sorry to hear Elsie wasn't feeling well. I hope today leaves her feeling much better.
Take care!
What a great day out. Hugs to Elcie.
A belated happy fourth!
Glad everyone had a great time, and hope Elcie is feeling better. Although it is hard sometimes to just say you don't want to go out when it seems like you SHOULD want to, and maybe that is what happened.
Ann, that water looks so inviting, I wish I could drive right in. I love swimming in pools like that.
I hope Elcie is feeling better.
Hi Ann ~~ Nice to see Tim and Jim on your address book. So glad you all had a nice day out, the pool and the food and nice to get out of the house. Elcie may not have wanted to go. Does she like to swim?
Take care, dear friend, Love, Merle.
So glad to hear you all had such a wonderful day...give the kids a pool, food and tv and they're all set! lol Loved seeing the pictures...what a shame Elcie missed going, though. xox
Sounds like a lot of fun. Good food and my daughter loves Hannah Montana.
Hope Elsie is feeling better.
Wow! That water is sure pretty cool. Makes me wanna dive in.
Glad you had a nice 4th.
Nothing like a cool pool on a hot day!! Looks like your day was good!!~ann
Hey Ann, looks you had blast 4th of July....every state in the nation can use some pool today...Even State of MN is over 100 degrees today.
The pool looks wonderful, but the food sounds even better.
That pool must have been really refreshing in this heat wave. We're a bit cooler today, but the heat returns this week!
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