Dawn, Destiny, & Friend

Rochelle - that is not a blacked out tooth, it's her hair hanging down her face (I don't know why).

Juan, Reno (both blending into fence), Tim, & I (with young friend). Tim and I are wearing matching La Boheme shirts from our afternoon at the Fresno Grand Opera. No, we didn't consult ahead of time.

Rochelle once again. Why does she cover up those beautiful eyes?
apparantly its what the cool kids are doing now.. it drives me nuts also
She's so cute...and yes all the young ones have that hair hanging down...
I feel soooo old, after seeing the pics of the girls!! It was just a couple weeks ago they were kids!
I cringe at what awaits us in 14-16 years!..(
Dear Ann ~~ It was great to read all the news about your birthday bash, Great that Jim is safely home, and I hope the arm improves , his boys have grown so quickly.
And the girls; they look so happy and close and have grown into young ladies now. Lovely to see the new picture of them and all the family.
Glad Ray is OK at present. You are looking great yourself. Thank you for coming back to us at least for a while. Take care, Much love, Merle.
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