I was digging back through the archives to find my anniversary post from last year. There wasn't one because he was, once again, in the hospital. As of this writing, he's sitting right here.
We're heading out for lunch (by ourselves) and I'll come back and finish this.
Later (around 3:45 p.m.)
Since I couldn't find my earlier post, I went way back to September 2005 when I first started the blog and found my first post about Ray . Not much has changed. We're a little older, a little grayer, but we've never regretted our impromptu Reno trip for a moment. The highlight is the link.
Those of you who haven't read it before may find some things you didn't already know about me. My earlier posts touch on some of the darker episodes in my life. I wanted to get them out of the way early and move on.
This link contains links to some, but not all, of those early posts.
Son Tim used to call us twitterpated. It still fits. Marrying Ray was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Ray went out to the store yesterday to check on a part for the icemaker (no luck) and came back with a lovely bouquet of purple carnations. Do
I wondered why he insisted I stay home and rest. He wanted to sneak around and buy the flowers, of course. Some things haven't changed in 18 years.
We enjoyed our lunch except for my steak which was properly cooked but too tough to eat. My fault - I should have known better than to order steak at anything except a steakhouse. The French onion soup, asparagus, potatoes, and bread that came with it were fine and I boxed the meat up and brought it home to my friend. She can cut it up into tiny pieces for fajita or something.
Ray had the soup and a Chinese chicken salad type thing wrapped in a tortilla. This town leans toward wrapping everything in tortillas, even moo shu pork. Seriously. They've converted me. I bought 2 packages of 30 flour tortillas each today and they'll be gone in no time. The girls prefer them to bread.
We walked over to Barnes & Noble for a cold drink (forgetting that Tim was off today) and then came back home in time to see most of the Giants game. Sorry, my Phoenix friends. SF 13 - AZ 0. Why can't we save a few of those runs for the games we lost by one run?
Not that the other baristas at B&N can't fix a cold drink but I enjoy it more when I can pick on Tim.
I digress again.
Rochelle took a couple of pictures; one or two of Ray and me and one of the flowers. I haven't cleared the camera since my sons borrowed it almost a month ago for my granddaughter's high school graduation. I tried to plug it in - wrong cord. Looked all over - cord nowhere. Called Tim who looked around and said oops. He's going to bring it to me so I should have pictures to add.
Elcie is spending the night with a friend and the other two have gone swimming with some other friends and parents. The house is quiet.
I'll put a bookmark in this and return when/if I have photos.
5:00 p.m.
Tim has been and gone. I now have the correct cord and he has the one to some unknown camera. The pics are uploaded or downloaded as the case may be (they're on the computer) and I'm about to try to get them on here.
If it works, one is a picture of the purple carnations, the other is a picture of me, Ray, and an oxygen tank in front of our house. You can probably identify which is which.
His t-shirt reads "I Am the Boss in My House and I Have My Wife's Permission to Say So!!
The pictures are on the blog and even I can see them. Evidently when I fixed the picture glitch I fixed whatever was keeping me from seeing them on the blog at the same time.
Thanks for all the comments and the guest book signatures once again.
Take care everyone.
Happy Anniversary! Love is a many splendid thing. Glad to hear Ray isn't in the hospital today.
Congratulation! Ann and Ray!
I love the wedding in Reno!
Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more wonderful years with you BOTH at home!
Happy Anniversary to both of you. I am so pleased Ray was home for this one.
A happy happy anniversary to you both!
Happy Anniversary, Ann & Ray!!
The flowers are beautiful, what a sweetie :)
I'm so glad you got the spend your day twitterpating with each other ;)
Happy 18th anniversary, and many happy returns of the day, Ann and Ray! ;-)
Love and hugs,
Happy 18th Anniversary, Ann and Ray. I'm intrigued at the thought of you two going to Reno...did you elope! :-)
Glad Ray is home for this and his flowers are beautiful...what a lovely romantic thing to do for you, the sweetie.
I rather like what he has on his T-shirt...at least he's honest.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Hugs to you both
Congrats on your anniversary - from your writing you must have had a big day - I'm glad for you. ec
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of you two together. Hope you enjoyed the day! Best wishes for a very Happy Anniversary!
Dear Ann ~~ Just a note to say again
Very Happy 18th Wedding Anniversary
to you and Ray. Glad you managed to get out to lunch to celebrate.
I hope you both have many more happy years together. Much Love, Merle.
Congratulations Ann, to you and Ray. Have just picked up on past history and am gasping.....thought my history was varied enough. One tough lady - only one year older than me... Lucky great granddaughters; they've got a good model. Sorry not to have picked up on Rocking girl bloggers yet. Am a bit pushed with work right now... But thanks - I can't think of too many nominations, apart from one... maybe I'll just invite some to nominate themselves..
Hi Ann, happy Anniversary to you and Ray, I read through a bit of the history from the links, some I was aware of some not but the point is we like or dislike people as we find them, not for their past history.
I'm certain your friends all love you, and isn't that the important thing?
Happy Anniversary to you and Ray, dear Ann!! I so enjoyed seeing a picture of the two of you together...look at that wonderful head of hair he has!! Lovely! You're looking so beautiful too:-) What a nice surprise to receive those gorgeous carnations from him...I don't think I've ever seen purple carnations, how beautiful!! xox
Happy Anniversary. So nice to see a picture of the two of you. And Ray did good with the flowers - very pretty!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary :)
Happy Anniversary, Ann and Ray!
May you have many more good years together.
Happy Anniversary. You two got married a day before us and we now been married for 19 years.
congratulations on your 18th wedding anniversary. hoping for many more for you and ray.
big hugs to you
The flowers are lovely, and I'm sure you are lovely together.
Happy Anniversary Granny Ann, I am glad that Ray was home to celebrate this one with you.
You have always been so kind and supportive to me. May the universe reflect the light of your love right back at you.
More like that one, please.
Happy Anniversary to you and Ray! That's wonderful! You guys have been through a lot.
That's a lovely picture. You're very pretty.
Hey..Happy Anniversary! Pretty flowers for a lovely lady!!
many blessings and wishes for long happiness for you both.
A belated happy anniversary to you and your beloved, Ann.
Happy anniversary to you both!
I hope you enjoy the holiday. Stay safe!
A round of kisses for everyone!
Happy Anniversary! Ray sounds like a sweetie. I love the color of the carnations.
Congrats!! it is so wonderful for ya'll to have been together this long and the flowers are beatiful
Happy Anniversary and how sweet of him to get those for you!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
It sounds lovely!!
You two rock. I love you both.
kisses and hugs
oh and yes I think three is a lovely bouquet.
Belated anniversary wishes and a happy belated 4th as well!
Less than 2 weeks until school starts for us.....where has the summer gone?
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