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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Green eggs and ham

Let's see if I've got this straight. I've mixed up commenters before. Beck, of green eggs and ham fame, is a cook, among other things. Some might call her recipe eggs florentine. She calls it "green eggs and ham", a much more interesting name.

I would have posted it here but my copy and paste is giving me problems for some reason.

The link at the top or should take you to her blog where you can find the recipe, a few posts down from the top.

Katt at is a friend of madcap mum's who has just begun blogging. I don't think I mentioned her either. Things get away from me sometimes. Between the holidays, my van going belly up and then being struck by lightning, and the run of the mill household stuff, I become easily confused. Anyhow, welcome to them both.

Rebecca ran out her string of angelic behavior. We couldn't find the leftover turkey. Turns out she had taken the entire ziplock bag across the street (I don't know why)and got in an argument with her friend. Somehow, the bag hit the ground, her friend kicked it and no one is sure what happened after that. She did come home and tell me they weren't friends anymore but not a word about the turkey.

All of that would have been minor except she stonewalled us when we asked her. That got her grounded for a while. Running off with the turkey would have just earned her a talking to. I wish she'd learn that the truth will serve her better. Besides, you never have to remember which fib you told when.

She's back to good once again. Apologized and offered to pay for the turkey. I said what was over was over. She and her friend are once again buddies. Kids do that all the time and usually, if the adults stay out of it, it blows over quickly.

This really is short but I'm thinking once more about an early bedtime. Also, not that much going on.

Good night - I must be forgetting something but how important could it be if I can't remember.


Anonymous said...

Granny, I am just a Dr. Seus fan at heart I am afraid!

Granny said...

"Green eggs and ham" makes people rush out to buy eggs and spinach. Even me and I'm not a spinach fan.

At least not canned spinach, I'm fine with fresh or frozen as long is it's undercooked a little. That should happen the way you prepare it.


Gawdessness said...

I swear this is something I would have done as a kid.
I couldn't tell you why now but...
it feels so right to me.
I grew up okay though.